Your membership in Nebraskans for the Arts helps us reach out to policy makers and community leaders as we share the impact of the arts on our economy and the importance of arts education to our children.
To process a donation/membership, please complete the form. Credit cards are accepted on a secure page. Thank you for supporting arts advocacy in Nebraska.
*NFTA uses the Little Green Light Membership Management system.
Individual Membership Categories
Individual $25
Friend $50
Sponsor $100-$249
Patron $250-$499
Benefactor $500+
Student Membership $15
Organizational Membership Categories
Organization/Association (suggested by budget size)*
Up to $50,000 $50
$50,000-$100,000 $75
$100,000-$250,000 $100
$250,000-$500,000 $150
$500,000-$1,000,000 $250
$1,000,000+ $500