Whether through creating voting guides and advocacy toolkits, scheduling meetings with elected officials, or coalescing our state’s arts leaders, Nebraskans for the Arts is committed to making advocating for the arts streamlined and accessible to all Nebraskans.
Check out the programs below to identify how you can get involved in these efforts today:
Nebraska Arts Advocacy Day
Typically hosted at the Nebraska State Capitol, this event brings together arts leaders from across our state to learn about ongoing arts policy issues, receive advocacy training, connect with their elected officials, and network with one another.
Nebraska Arts Advocacy Network
The Nebraska Arts Advocacy Network, or NAAN, is a grassroots coalition of Nebraska’s arts administrators, arts educators, artists, and arts enthusiasts. Members help advance arts advocacy efforts in our state by building relationships with their State Senators, recruiting their peers to advocate for the arts, and working together to resolve issues in Nebraska’s arts and culture sector. Anyone is welcome to join — check out the link above to become a part of NAAN today.
Election Center
Every statewide and federal election cycle, Nebraskans for the Arts polls candidates on their thoughts on arts and culture and shares these results with you — ensuring you know which candidates will most positively impact our creative economy.